A screen making technology
that renders the once-essential
emulsion unnecessary.
Until now, silk screen printing has always worked with emulsion screens that are made by exposing sheets covered with emulsion and a film positive to UV light. However, the process of making screens with emulsion has many downsides: the wastewater created when emulsion is washed from the screens, the time needed to let the emulsion dry, and so on. Digital screen making does away with such problems entirely, and it is our mission to promote this technology to become more widely adopted.
Digital screen making is the
secret to speeding up the printing process.
Emulsion has to be washed away, and then the screen has to dry. In a single stroke, digital screen making does away with the vast amounts of time and effort required for conventional silk screen printing. First, we insert a frame covered with dedicated film into a digital screen-making machine. The next step is simply to send the data from a computer. Thermal heads begin creating pinpoint holes in the film, and about two minutes later, the screen making process is complete. A screen making process that once took up half a day can now be wrapped up in minutes. There is a stark difference in speed for the two processes.
Comparison of screen making-processes